Special Supervision Services (SSS)
Individuals through an application process are screened for eligibility into the Special Supervision Services.
Admission criteria includes:
- An applicant with a 5 year revocation must wait twelve (12) months from the revocation date to apply.
- An applicant with a 10 year revocation must wait twenty-four (24) months from the revocation date to apply
- Both 5 & 10 year applicants must not drive or use any alcohol /illegal drugs within the twelve (12) months prior to the application process.
- An applicant with a permanent revocation must wait 5 years prior to application and after conviction or release from incarceration whichever occurs last. During this 5 year period the applicant must not drive or use any alcohol/illegal drugs.
- Illegal drug use includes abuse of over the counter drugs or prescriptions.
- An applicant shall be evaluated and supervised by the DUI program which serves the county in which the applicant lives, works or attends school.
- The Tri-County DUI Program is one of three state-wide programs approved to provide SSS to out-of-state applicants.
- The Special Supervision Services provides ongoing monitoring for the remaining revocation, with the provision that the restricted driver license remains in good standing with the DHSMV, Division of Driver Licenses.
- Applicants must have completed the Level II DUI program and treatment.
Registration is required in person which can be done in our Lakeland office.
Please call Lakeland: 863-701-1919 (0) or Winter Haven: 863-294-4600
You can also complete the form below to schedule an appointment via email.