2018 Friends of Tri-County Announced
Chris has been the Executive Director of Your Polk County Hub, Inc. since 2014. Her Community Activities and awards include:
- President Meals on Wheels, Winter Haven 2015 to present,
- Board member American Cancer Society of Polk County,2015 to present,
- Golden Gloves Award from Winter Haven Junior League 2017,
- George Jenkins Award from Girls, Inc.,
- Industry Award from Winter Haven Chamber of Commerce Gold Cup Award from the East Polk County Committee of 100,
- Honorary Co‐Chair with her husband of the Susan G. Komen Race 2012, and Honorary Chair American Cancer Society Relay for Life 2012,
Chris has also organized for 10 years an annual day of Pampering for those with or whom have had cancer and their caregivers with the help of Belk’s in Winter Haven.
Hap has been the Chief Financial Officer 0f Six Ten, LLC. since 2005. His Community Activities include:
- Immediate Past Board Chair and Board member‐ Winter Haven Chamber of Commerce,
- Past President Habitat for Humanity of East Polk County,
- Leadership Alumni Class VII and outstanding Alumni Award winner‐ Winter Haven Chamber of Commerce,
- Member Winter Haven Affordable Housing Committee, Treasurer and Board Member ‐ Your Polk County Hub, Inc.,
- Past President of Church Council‐ Abiding Savior Lutheran Church,
- Past Co‐Chair Relay for Life Winter Haven,
- Past Treasurer and Member Board East Polk County Committee of 100.
Chris and Hap have 7 children and 19 grandchildren. They are both cancer survivors.